Monday 17 June 2013

Our Sweet Mother Consolata

Our Sweet Mother, many a time we have problems
But fear hinders us from coming to you
Oh Mother, Joseph Allamano depended on you
He left you to start this family of ours
We your children we come to you as Consolatas
Don't hesitate to answer our prayer
Don't close your heart of mercy towards us
We know Sweet Mother hat when we come to you
You will not leave our thirst unquenched
Mother Consolata, some of your children are working in a very hardship area
Come to their aid and give them strength
so that they may continue evangelizing to your people

Oh Mother!  Oh Mother! Come to our aid at all times we pray

With tender eyes of Mercy bless our missionaries from all corners and don't hesitate through your son to call even more labourers at your large harvest. Blessed Joseph Allamano and our Lady Consolata Pray for us!!!