Sunday 11 November 2012

Inter-seminary meeting

An inter-Seminary is a gathering of all the IMC formation houses in the Kenya-Uganda Region (Propaedeutic, Students of philosophy, Novices and Students of Theology) in one place after two years. This year’s session is currently taking place, from 08 to 10 October at Consolata Seminary. The theme chosen for this gathering is “21stCentury: Economy and Formation”. This theme will be elaborated by experts to help formatters and formees acquire skills on the economic ground. The program runs as from 7:30am to 10:00pm
Today (08/10) was the opening ceremony with the Holy Mass presided by Fr. John Bonanomi. Before the Greeting at the beginning of Mass, he addressed the faithful young seminarians highlighting the importance, the purpose and the aim of this “Retrouvail” (gathering). He also gave the major point that will direct our staying together in these three days. Then he proceeded with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
After Mass we had a heavy breakfast that prepared us for the day. This was followed immediately by a concise and rich talk by Prof. Mary Gitui who underlined the agents and ways towards inculcating a better use of resources. She warned against some irresponsible ways of misusing resources and some acquired mentalities: “prodicalistic mentality”, “macrolistic mentality”, etc.  Prodicalistic mentality is the one by which we use resources that we receive from the community and from other people, that is to say, public resources, carelessly because they are not ours. “Macrolistic mentality” is the one by which we are attracted to what is big (big cars, big phones, big houses, big beds, etc). She advised us to keep healthy, to study, to keep time, and to specialize as some of the ways by which one could save and could stabilize his economic status. We, thereafter, discussed some essential questions related to the subjects which she commented on before leaving us.
The afternoon session was animated by different games. In the evening we had singing practice, Vespers and supper. The entertainments crowned the day. Tomorrow (09/10) is another day and we are waiting for more interesting inputs that will inculcate in us good economic skills. Stay with us and you will be informed of every  single event taking place here.
Stephano Nangaa
(The secretariat